Responses: 18
Women: 3
Men: 15

61% of our testers stated that the length of the jacket was good, while 39% stated that they would like it to be slightly shorter. We will be adjusting the length, and Group 4 will receive a slightly shorter jacket. When it comes to the arm length, there was some disagreement between our male and female testers. 2/3 of the female testers stated that the arms were too long, but only 1/3 of the male testers agreed. Group 4 will be testing a jacket with slightly shorter arms, and we will make a decision after receiving their feedback.

Almost half of the testers noted that the jacket had a nice width over the chest and shoulders, while 40% stated that it could be slightly narrower. We will be keeping the same width for now and see how the feedback is after the next round of testing.

Almost 80% of our testers are completely happy with the flexibility of the jacket, while around 16% think that it could be slightly more flexible. We happy with this result for now, but will consider making a few small changes in flexibility and fit after receiving feedback from the next round of testing.

Only 12,5% of testers were unhappy with the wind and water resistance. That over 85% of testers are happy with the wind and water resistance is pretty great, considering that these traits usually are not associated with cotton.

There are some different opinions when it comes to the appearance of the reinforcements. 1/3 of our female testers did not like the look of them, 1/3 thought they were OK and 1/3 great. When it comes to our male testers, no one responded that they did not like the looks of the reinforcements. For now we will be keeping them as is. When it comes to durability, 100% are happy so far.

There are more women than men that think the pockets are too big. Details like this make us aware that it might be a good idea to offer men's and women's fits, instead of just unisex. The better the garment fits and feels, the longer it will be loved and worn.

From the responses, we also became aware that the mobile pocket on the inside of the jacket is not big enough for the largest phones like iPhone Pro Max. This pocket will therefore be slightly larger in Group 4.

In general, the responses show us that testers have had little use for the zipper system that allows one to air out the back. Only a little over 25% of testers have used it. On the other hand, those who have tested it love the function. Luckily, we realized that we can remove the zippers in the sides and still fold up the back of the jacket for ventilation. The side zippers will in other words be removed before the next round. Check out the product page for more info.

100% of testers think that the personalization is a cool detail, and over 60% have been motivated to keep their garment longer because of it. Only 3 responded that this detail does not make a difference on how long they will keep the garment. We are extremely happy with this result. It is fantastic to see that small details like this can contribute to reaching our strong ambitions of creating a jacket that lasts.

All testers enjoy the appearance of Ventile as a jacket material. We asked the testers to rate the general appearance of the jacket on a scale from 1 to 5, with the average score being 4.4. We are happy with this result, but are also aware that we still have a ways to go!

All in all, the jacket received a 4.9/6 when it comes to total satisfaction, and 89% would recommend the jacket to a good friend. (The last 11% replied that they might recommend the jacket to a good friend.) We can't wait to see what comes next and are excited to see even better results next time.


Responses: 16
Women: 3

Over 2/3 of testers stated that they are happy with the length of the pants. Our male testers are in general more satisfied with the fit than our female testers, even though everyone seems pretty happy overall. When it comes to the ladies, 2/3 replied that the pants are slightly wide at the waist, but 100% stated that they fit very well around the thighs. We are considering creating a female version of these pants in the future.

Almost all testers stated that the pants have good flexibility, while one replied that they would like a them to be slightly more flexible. A thick material like cotton compromises full flexibility, but also gives one more wind and water resistance and durability.

60% of testers replied that the pants are slightly water resistant, while 27% stated that they are very water resistant. Go Ventile! 13% stated that they aren't quite resistant enough, so we might have to lower some expectations – our goal is not to make completely wind and waterproof pants.

When it comes to wind, 53% answered that the pants re very wind resistant.

«After almost six months the pants are still great in rain and wind.»

The Last Pants are reinforced in the knees, and pretty much all testers answered that they are happy with the durability so far. 87% also agree that the reinforcements are slightly or very waterproof, while only 13% replied that they weren't completely happy with waterproofness.

When it comes to the reinforcements on the inside of the legs, we have also received good feedback on the durability, as 100% replied that they are happy so far. All testers also stated that they look above average and complement the pants well.

27% of testers answered that they would like smaller thigh pockets, while the rest (besides one) are happy with the size. We will be hunting for the perfect combination between looks, functionality and accessibility in the next round. 20% also noted that the pockets are slightly difficult to open, which we will be looking into before the next round of testing.

We have also received some interesting ideas for changes or elements to add, like a small pocket for keys, extra protection over zippers, closing mechanisms for side pockets and the angle of the thigh pockets.

80% of testers stated that the adjustable waist does not work as well as it should. We have tested multiple different alternatives, but have not been able to find anything that fits our needs. We will therefore be removing the waist adjustments in the next round.

When it comes to the buttons for adjusting ankles, we have received mixed feedback. 47% think that they work very well, 27% think they work slightly well, 7% think they work slightly poorly and 20% think that they work very poorly. We have for example received feedback on both ends of the scale:

«The buttons work well. They also make the pants look better when they are buttoned up. I use them when I wear the pants for "daily use", so that the legs aren't baggy.»
«The ankle buttons pop open at the slightest resistance. This does not work for me. I also think that velcro/elastic would do a better job.»

Our female testers give the pants a 4.3/5 when it comes to looks, while the male testers give it a 4.5/5. 100% of testers think that Ventile works very well appearance-wise. One tester describes it like this:

«Looks great. Even though it becomes slightly blotchy/receives some folds after washing, the material looks good. It looks used, and that's just nice.»

When it comes to general satisfaction, the pants receive a 4.9/6 and 87% say that they would recommend them to a good friend. (The rest might recommend them.)

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