Our model

The traditional model for clothing production starts with a designer who guesses what will be popular in the distant future. Next, someone else guesses how much to make. The result of this guessing is absurd overproduction, as these clothes often don't get further than the company's warehouse.

We are challenging this model by including you in the entire process. If we design products together, and decide which products should be produced, we are a big step closer to getting rid of overproduction. Join our community here. Our model consists of five phases:

1 Design phase

Both we and our customers have tons of product ideas. We used to develop these ideas in a tiny room in downtown Oslo, playing a guessing game like everyone else. But to make clothing that the public really want means that we have to work with the public instead. That means engaging people like you, from all over the world, who want to make the best clothes possible. To make your mark on our next garment, you can give us feedback on our ideas and design suggestions here.

Everything we design must be inline with our design philosophy. Read it here.

2 Testing phase

Once we have received feedback from our Community on the product idea and design, certain products need testing. To make sure that we only make high quality products that you can love for your entire life, we let our customers test a limited amount to be sure that the design is perfect. The price of products in this phase will have a slightly "nicer" price than what the potential finished version will cost. That means that you get an adequate product that will do it's job for many years for you, and at the same time be extremely limited edition.

3 Decision phase

An amazing idea with a brilliant design doesn't necessarily mean that the garment will be sold and loved. To avoid making clothing that never gets further than our warehouse, we check the interest in the product with you before starting production. By doing things this way, we don't need to loan as much money for the production. We also avoid overproducing garments that never sell. The money we save in the process goes back to you, in the form of a nicer price on all products in this phase.
Here's how it works:

  1. The product only gets sent to production if we reach our reservation goal. If the goal is 300, you and 299 others must reserve the garment in order for it to get made.
  2. If you reserve a garment, you won't be charged until we know if it will be made. When you make a reservation, we register your payment details so that we can charge you when production starts. You will, of course, be notified before you are charged.
  3. If we reach our goal, production starts. It can take anywhere between 1 and 5 months before the garment is finished and can be delivered to you.
  4. If we do not reach our goal, your reservation will be cancelled and you will not be charged.

No matter the result, we will keep you updated about the progression of the evaluation, so that you get an unfiltered version of what is going on on our end.

4 Production phase

The garment you have helped us develop is in production. To begin with, we only produce a small amount to be sure that this is a classic that deserves to be in our collection for many years. If you haven't already reserved the garment, you can in this phase preorder and make sure you receive one from the very first batch.

5 Available

The garment is in stock at our warehouse and ready to be worn on your next adventure.

Only the very best ideas get to this phase in our process. But even though the garment is top quality, looks good and is loved by you, we will never stop developing. There is always room for improvement. With your feedback, we can continue perfecting our garments together.

Use More +

What happens when your garment has gone through the process, joined you on many adventures, and starts to show some wear and tear? We help you take care of it so it can live as long as possible. Whether you've got a stain or a hole, we assist you in addressing the issue through our Use More + service. Either by doing it for you or even better: teaching you how to do it yourself. We will also supply you with the tools you need to repair yourself. Learn more about Use More + here.

Read about our model in:

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Weekdays 11-18
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Sundays 12-17
PLEASE NOT: Youngstorget store is now closed.
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